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29th BNB Burn

2024.11.1  •  2 min read
Blog post image.

The BNB Foundation has officially announced the successful completion of the 29th quarterly BNB token burn by BNB Chain. 

Here are the facts and figures from the latest burn:

  • Auto-Burn (Total BNB burned): 1772712.363 BNB 
    • This total includes two components:
    • 1,710,142.733 BNB for the Auto-Burn
    • 62,569.63 BNB as an additional burn for BTokens. Previously some BSC users had their BTokens (tokens bridged by Binance onto BSC) lost when they were sent to inactive addresses. These tokens were subsequently reimbursed through the Pioneer Burn Program.  A portion of these reimbursed BTokens was originally calculated as BNB but was inadvertently excluded from the previous Auto-Burn. This amount has now been included in this quarter’s burn.
  • Approximate value in USD around the time of burn: ~$1.07B 
  • Transaction ID (TXID) for BNB burn: View transaction
  • BNB burned from the Pioneer Burn Program: Nil
  • The rest to be burned: 43,533,387.84BNB
  • The rest of supply: 144099981.1 BNB

What You Need to Know About the BNB Burn

BNB is the native coin of the BNB Chain ecosystem, essential for powering its multifaceted Web3 environment. It supports transactions on the BNB Smart Chain (BSC), the opBNB L2s and BNB Greenfield blockchain. Besides transaction fees, BNB serves as a governance token, granting holders the ability to participate in the BNB Chain’s decentralized on-chain governance.

Following its mainnet launch on April 18, 2019, BNB transitioned from the Ethereum Network to BNB Chain. "Build and Build" is the philosophy behind BNB, reflecting its role in fostering development within the ecosystem.BNB employs an Auto-Burn system to gradually reduce its total supply to 100,000,000 BNB. The burn amount is adjusted based on BNB's price and the number of blocks generated on BSC during a quarter, ensuring transparency and predictability.

BNB Auto Burn

The BNB Auto-Burn provides an independently auditable, objective process. The figures are reported quarterly, and the mechanism is independent of the Binance centralized exchange. 

This quarter's burn and future burns will occur directly on BSC due to the ongoing BNB Chain Fusion. The corresponding BNB amount will be sent to the "blackhole" address: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD.

BNB Real-time Burn

Additionally, BNB implements a real-time burning mechanism based on gas fees. BSC validators determine the ratio of gas fees collected in each block, which is burned at a fixed rate. Since the introduction of BEP95, roughly 242K BNB has been burnt under this mechanism.

Pioneer Burn Program

The BNB Pioneer Burn Program helps users recover lost BNB and pegged tokens due to honest mistakes, by covering these losses through their quarterly token burn events.

Further Reading
