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Binance Bridge V3 Release

2021.4.25  •  2 min read
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Last January, Binance Bridge V2 was released as a brand new bridge service providing access to inter-blockchain liquidity for all popular blockchain networks. Binance Bridge brings valuable assets such as BUSD, USDT, and ETH to Binance Chain ecosystems. Today, we are excited to announce that Binance Bridge v3 is live!

With Binance Bridge, the BSC DeFi ecosystem now has access to a total of 78 popular crypto assets.

$BTCB | Bitcoin (BTC) on Ethereum & Binance Chain & Binance Smart Chain

  • $BETH | Ethereum (ETH) on Ethereum & Binance Chain & Binance Smart Chain
  • $BUSD on Ethereum & Binance Chain & Binance Smart Chain
  • $B-USDT | USDT on Ethereum & Binance Chain & Binance Smart Chain
  • $B-USDC |USDC on Ethereum & Binance Chain & Binance Smart Chain

The digital asset proof can be found here for reference.

This release is one step further in broadening Binance Bridge’s influence outside of BSC, thus opening up a whole new cross-chain DeFi ecosystem to the community. If you want to use pegged assets on BSC dApps, integration with Binance Bridge is the best choice for the ecosystem!

How to integrate

An Enhanced User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI)

In addition to new pegged assets, one of the core improvements with Binance Bridge V3 is an improved user experience. As with any evolving cross-chain technology, there is a steep learning curve, so marrying various technologies/standards and making it as intuitive as possible for the larger public is a big challenge. A few improvements added are:

  • Flexible network configuration

For MetaMask users, if your wallet has not configured Binance Smart Chain, then the site will add BSC mainnet as a custom network for you.

  • Improved transaction process between BSC & Ethereum network

To avoid mistakes, more restrictions are implemented.

  1. From network must be a user's connected network. For example, if your MetaMask is on Ethereum, then you must send transactions from the Ethereum network.
  2. Destination address must be your connected address. You cannot change the destination address. From now on, you can switch the network to check your balance after completing the swap.

With these improvements, UI hiccups should be cut down even further to make the cross-chain process as smooth as possible for the everyday user.

Looking Forward

Binance Bridge is the safest, fastest, and most secure way to bring cross-chain assets to Binance Chain and Binance Smart Chain. If you have any issues, please find support here .
