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BNB Chain News (June 30th - July 6th)

2023.7.7  •  3 min read
Blog post image.

Another week on the blockchain finishes strong with BNB Chain News! Let's dig into the latest from our ecosystem.

This week, we announced this month's Gas Grant participants. We also continued to promote opBNB and released a pair of editorials detailing the infrastructure opportunities of our Layer 2 solution. You'll also find a retrospective on all our progress from the past six-months.

Head over to the BNB Chain blog and you'll find plenty to read about this week, including news about our collaboration with the University of Zurich. Thanks for supporting BNB Chain, let's keep building. 😤

New Projects on BNB Chain 🔥

Each week, BNB Chain onboards tons of new projects across the landscape of DeFi, SocialFi, Web3 gaming, and beyond. Read our full blog for descriptions about each new project.

Ecosystem Highlights 🌎

🔸 Gas Grant Participants Announcement - July
🔸 0pBNB Ecosystem Part I: Infrastructure Opportunities
🔸 BNB Chain's Innovation Night at ETHCC
🔸 BNB's Ecosystem Pulse - Six Months into 2023

BNB Chain in the News 📰

🔸 ETHCC will host BNB Chain’s Innovation Night on July 19
🔸 What is opBNB? BNB Chain's Optimistic Layer 2 Chain
🔸 Yield Powerhouse Pendle Finance Expands to BNB Chain

Community Events and Resources 🙌

Are you a Web3 community member living in Paris or attending EthCC? Then register for an unforgettable BNB Chain Innovation Night in Paris on Wednesday, July 19th. RSVP now!

AvengerDAO is a community driven initiative created to protect the users and projects on BNB Chain from malicious actors and activity.  AvengerDAO publishes a list of risk projects and addresses on DappBay Red Alarm every Friday. Read our Weekly Report here.

Let's leverage the power of opBNB together to create a blockchain ecosystem that is efficient, scalable, and sustainable. The future is optimistic, and we're thrilled to shape it with you.

Join the Testnet launch and start building on opBNB now!

We're excited to announce the BNB Chain Gas Grant Program. This program aims to reward projects that contribute to the BNB Chain ecosystem by providing gas fee incentives to qualified projects.

Apply Now to enjoy a Gas Grant for your dApp.

Are you building a project on BNB Chain and need funding? 🧐

BNB Chain Builder Grants awards grants or non-financial support to builders and Web3 projects who contribute to the BNB Chain ecosystem.

Apply Now!

At BNB Chain, we're constantly exploring innovative and meaningful ways to support the developer community. To that end, we have negotiated discounts and premium services to provide a set of critical development tools and grouped them into a starter pack called BNB Chain Kickstart that you can use to build, grow and scale your dApps on BNB Chain.

Blockchain is redefining what's possible on the internet. Web3 developers have the power to shape this revolution! BNB Chain invites student hackers, builders, professors and blockchain enthusiasts to join our pioneering University Initiative - an opportunity to learn, create, and own the future of the web.

Apply to be a Student Ambassador here!

Red Alarm 🚨

Your security is a top priority!

Make sure to review our weekly Red Alarm list to familiarize yourself with suspicious actors on our network.

Follow us to stay updated on everything BNB Chain!

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