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BNB Chain News (20th - 26th October)

2023.10.27  •  4 min read
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Welcome back to BNB Chain News!

This week, we announced the winners of BNB Chain Hackvolution. These teams made fantastic contributions to opBNB and BNB Greenfield's development and we're thrilled to share their projects with our community.

It's been an exciting past few days for Dota 2 fans as BNB Chain's Web3 gaming ambassadors Gaimin Gladiators played in The Internationals. Let's all wish them them the best of luck in the arena.

As always, we've loaded this blog with the latest new projects on BSC and opBNB - check them out below. You'll also find resources and support for your Web3 project and security updates below!

New Projects on BNB Chain 🔥

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Each week, BNB Chain onboards tons of new projects across the landscape of DeFi, SocialFi, Web3 gaming, and beyond. Read our full blog for descriptions about each new project.

New Projects on opBNB ⚡

This past week, we've welcomed tons of amazing projects onto the opBNB mainnet. While each represent different parts of the Web3 community, they'll all benefit from super-low fees and lightning-fast transactions.

Get started building with opBNB today!

Ecosystem Highlights 🌎

🔸 Hackvolution Winners Announced
🔸 opBNB Now Supports Multiple Wallets
🔸 Fermat Hardfork of opBNB Approaches - Upgrade Now
🔸 Our AirDrop Marathon Continues

BNB Chain in the News 📰

🔸 Ryder Reveals Hardware Wallet Integrated with BNB Chain

Community Events and Resources 🙌

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BNB Greenfield is a novel decentralized data storage network with a native bridge to BNB Smart Chain (BSC), which manages user rights, bucket creation, and file deletion to transform the way users interact with their data.

With Mainnet releasing, it's the perfect time to start building!

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Are you ready to dive into the world of blockchain and decentralized applications?

We invite you to participate in the BNB Chain Hackathon, Istanbul, taking place from November 10th to November 12th, 2023. This three-day event promises to be an exciting opportunity to explore the limitless possibilities of blockchain technology. Register today!

Introducing the BNB Builders Club, a place where your creativity can flourish, allowing you to make an impact within the BNB Chain ecosystem. Work closely with our team to lead developer events in your local area. Apply Now!

Let's leverage the power of opBNB together to create a blockchain ecosystem that is efficient, scalable, and sustainable. The future is optimistic, and we're thrilled to shape it with you.

Start building on opBNB now!

The blockchain space is abuzz with innovation, and if you're building on opBNB and BNB Greenfield, you're in for a treat. We've compiled useful resources for devs in this handy blog - check it out!

We're excited to announce the BNB Chain Gas Grant Program. This program aims to reward projects that contribute to the BNB Chain ecosystem by providing gas fee incentives to qualified projects.

Apply Now to enjoy a Gas Grant for your dApp.

Are you building a project on BNB Chain and need funding? 🧐

BNB Chain Builder Grants awards grants or non-financial support to builders and Web3 projects who contribute to the BNB Chain ecosystem. Apply Now!

At BNB Chain, we're constantly exploring innovative and meaningful ways to support the developer community. To that end, we have negotiated discounts and premium services to provide a set of critical development tools and grouped them into a starter pack called BNB Chain Kickstart that you can use to build, grow and scale your dApps on BNB Chain.

Red Alarm 🚨

Your security is a top priority!

Make sure to review our weekly Red Alarm list to familiarize yourself with suspicious actors on our network.

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