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BNB Chain Spotlight: Particle Network

2022.12.14  •  5 min read
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Onboarding the Next Generation of Web3 Users!

We're thrilled to share this conversation with Particle Network, where they spoke about their passion for leading Web2 natives into the world of Web3. Their impressive user experience, depth of functionality and integration with BNB Chain shows tons of promise. Read ahead to learn more!

Please describe Particle for those unfamiliar with it. What's your vision and mission?

Particle Network is a Multi-Party Computation (MPC) powered Authentication and Wallet-as-a-Service Middleware. The middleware is provided to Web3 developers to help them onboard the Web2 users in a both frictionless and decentralized way.

It lowers the non-crypto users' barriers to the Web3 world by letting them log in with Web2 methods including mobile numbers, emails, Facebook and Google accounts and automatically generating a non-custodial wallet for them. With Particle Network's middleware, the new user registration conversion rate has increased from 15% to 75%.

Our vision: To become the most reliable infrastructure for Web3

Our mission: Onboarding the next billion users for Web3

When was the idea behind Particle born, and what led to it?

The idea behind Particle was born in December 2021. We tried a few GameFI projects at that time and found that the experiences for the newcomers are disasterous. In particular, the whole registration process for a non-crypto user is too complicated. The new user was forced to download a 3rd party crypto wallet and go through the whole mnemonic phrases recovery process before allowed to connect to the certain Web3 product.

To find out how exactly this barrier influenced the new users' behaviour, we conducted a simulation test among over 100K audiences in 15 different countries. And we found that less than 15% of the new users can finish the mnemonic phrases process in the registration stage. As the new user registration is the first layer of all business funnels for basically all Web3 products, we think we have to fix this issue right now for the mass adoption of Web3.

Tell us about your team's background.

The core members of our team graduated from the world's leading universities and have core business experience at some of the world's most prestigious Internet companies. Our own startup has extensive end-to-end experience in the Web2 gaming space, we have served over 200 million users cumulatively, and have experience in growing customer acquisition in over 40 countries worldwide. We own the largest mobile social gaming platform in India.

We have also developed and published over 15 top 10 US mobile games. We have a deep understanding of the scenario of introducing mass users to a mobile product. We want to empower Web3 developers with our experience in mass user acquisition in the Web2 world in the form of Particle Network middleware to accelerate the Mass adoption of Web3.

What are the main advantages of Particle for users, compared to a similar project from a mainstream financial market?

Non Custodial: We adhere to the core principles of Web3. Users have full autonomy over their assets.

Security: We have the industry's top security architecture and engineering implementations, and have introduced multiple security policies.

Industry-leading user experience: the overall user registration and wallet generation process takes only 2-3 seconds.

Cross-platform: We are the only company in the industry to offer a cross-platform native SDK, with complete support for Android, iOS, Unity and Unreal SDKs.

High availability: Our MPC wallet middleware has the industry's largest user base in the MPC middleware space, and Particle Network is able to consistently support our customers' large business volumes.

What is the security strategy of your project?

We leverage secure multiparty computation (MPC) for the protection and management of cryptographic keys and secrets, providing industry-grade MPC-based solutions with three critical security features:

  • Sensitive keys and secrets are split into two random shares. The two shares are stored on separate, isolated parties. Each share does not reveal any information about the other's key material.
  • All cryptographic operations performed throughout the key lifecycle are performed without ever combining these two shares together.
  • Key shares are continuously modified without modifying the key itself, thus forcing the attacker to compromise both parties at virtually the same time in order to obtain key material.

We adopt the industry-best standard to implement our infrastructure. On the server side, we have public/private network segregation, end-to-end encryption with TLS, a TEE TSS party-2 server, and a hardware security module. On the SDK side, we protect user data by system browser with a separate WebAssembly module and do dynamic AES encryption for every signature call.

Let's say I want to start using Particle. Where do I start? Where can I find some how-to guides?

Developers start with our official documentation: and Github:

With our rich product demos, technical documentation and integration examples, developers can quickly become familiar with Particle's SDK and easily incorporate it into their own business scenarios.

Our SDK and other libraries within the ecosystem can be easily combined and integrated, which further lowers the integration threshold for developers.

Why did you decide to migrate/build on the BNB Chain?

The ecology of BNB Chain is booming and developer's demands are high and growing fast.

We have supported BNB Chain from the beginning as a natural multi-chain wallet middleware infrastructure. And thanks to the perfection of BNB Chain's entire ecological infrastructure, which has also simplified our work in many scenarios.

What do you hope to see next from the BNB Chain community?

The recent release of ZkBNB has made us exceptionally excited about BNB Chain's L2 ecosystem, which we are doing technical research on and will soon be supported by our products.

How can GameFi users get started with your product?

After Gamefi projects integrate our wallet middleware, we are behind the scenes protecting the security of user assets and enhancing the accessibility for the GameFi users.

What's your impression of BNB Chain so far?

BNB Chain is the most active public chain ecosystem we've seen, with the top developers and the most active user ecosystem. The most distinctive thing is that the staff of BNB Chain is very passionate and has an extremely clear sense of purpose. We can feel the leadership of BNB Chain not only as a technical architecture, but also as a Web3 organization. We look forward to growing together with BNB Chain and accelerating the prosperity of the Web3 world.

Finally, are you planning any upcoming events?

Together with the rest of the leading Infra companies in the BNB ecosystem, we plan to launch a hackathon as well as an accelerator program, with a core focus on Web3 projects looking to build consumer-grade applications. Stay tuned!

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