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BNB Chain Spotlight: Tally

2022.12.7  •  4 min read
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Make it Count with Tally!

We've got a fascinating Project Spotlight lined up this week with Tally! It's a DAO operations platform on BNB Chain that helps people easily start, join, and grow decentralized organizations. Read ahead for more!

Please describe Tally for those unfamiliar with it. What's your vision and mission?

Tally is a platform for on-chain decentralized organizations. Tally is the most popular way to run on-chain DAOs. Tally makes it easy to create and manage your DAO, allowing you to focus on growing your organization instead of worrying about the technical details of the blockchain. DAO contributors use Tally to create proposals, vote, and delegate voting power.

When was the idea behind Tally and what led to it?

When Tally co-founders Dennison Bertram and Rafael Solari first started building, they had a vision of what a standard around governance could look like and the innovation it could enable. They spent their first years knowing each other as members of Crypto NYC, an early coworking space and crypto community-based in New York. They eventually converged on the OpenZeppelin Governor standard for DAO governance and built Tally as a platform to support it.

Tell us about your team's background.

Dennison and Raf are experienced technical founders. Dennison has a long history of building projects in the crypto ecosystem dating back to 2011. In 2013, Dennison founded the first BTC exchange in the Czech Republic in 2012. Dennison is also the founder of DappHero and the former head of developer relations at OpenZeppelin.

Tally is backed by leading crypto venture capital firms including Blockchain Capital, Castle Island Ventures and 1kx.

What are the main advantages of Tally for users, compared to a similar project from a mainstream financial market?

Tally makes it easy to participate in on-chain governance. You can create proposals, vote, and delegate in your favorite DAOs, as well as see everything else that is happening in the DAO.

What is the security strategy of your project?

Tally offers a front-end platform and API for the leading governance smart contract frameworks: Gnosis Safe and OpenZeppelin Governor. We believe Gnosis Safe and Governor are the most robust, battle-tested, highly-audited, and secure smart contract frameworks for DAO governance available.

Let's say I want to start using Tally. Where do I start? Where can I find some how-to guides?

You can add a DAO to Tally or start a Group from scratch at You can learn more about how to use Tally at

Why did you decide to migrate/build on the BNB Chain?

Supporting BNB Chain was one of our most popular feature requests! We wanted to support all the great DAOs building in the BNB ecosystem. BNB Chain has millions of users, and offers a scalable option for DAO governance. We are thrilled to make Tally accessible to this amazing community, because we think it will welcome in a whole new group of users to our platform.

What do you hope to see next from the BNB Chain community?

We’d love to help more BNB projects get started with on-chain governance. Please reach out to us on Discord:

Where do you see DeFi and BNB Chain in five years?

We are excited about the growth potential of DeFi and BNB Chain in the coming years. We think the recent CeFi credit crisis highlights the importance of DeFi, autonomous smart contract-based fiance, and trustless governance system. We think BNB Chain is a prime position to support the growth of this industry as the leading scalable EVM blockchain!

Please share with us your impression of BNB Chain.

BNB has a thriving, active community of passionate blockchain & web3 users. The BNB Chain ecosystem team has been highly supportive as we rolled out support for BNB Chain at Tally!

What are the main advantages of Tally for users, compared to a similar project from a mainstream financial market?

The Tally platform supports decentralized governance. DAO members engage in open, democratic processes to make decisions. DAOs use decentralized governance to manage their funds, maintain and improve their products, and invest in growth. Decisions made via decentralized governance are executed trustlessly using smart contracts.

Tally supports OpenZeppelin Governor, which is the most popular DAO governance framework. Tally provides a user-friendly OpenZeppelin Governor interface that makes it accessible for anyone to start, join, and grow DAOs. DAO members use Tally to manage governance, as well as to create, pass, and execute governance proposals.

Finally, are you planning any upcoming events?

We help put on DAO NYC every year. Join us in 2023!

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