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BNB Greenfield Code Open Sourced Alongside 1st Testnet Release

2023.4.13  •  2 min read
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Today, together with the launch of its first testnet “Congo”, BNB Greenfield has open-sourced all core infrastructure code, including the Greenfield blockchain, storage provider cluster, cross-chain relayer, and corresponding SDKs. Now, anyone can read, use, and modify the code for BNB Greenfield or other ecosystems.

From the project's inception, it was always planned to make the extensive code base available to everyone. Allow me to provide further context for this decision, which was an obvious choice.

Firstly, BNB Chain owes its existence to giants such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cosmos, Superfluid, and many more. This was acknowledged in the Greenfield white paper twice. Thus, BNB Chain’s core developers and community feel a strong obligation to give back.

Secondly, the BNB Chain core dev community has a tradition of  open-sourcing important code with full permissions to benefit the community. Here are some major examples:

1. tss-lib. This was a GoLang implementation of the “Threshold Signature Scheme” for ECDSA and EdDSA based on the paper GG18. It was fully open-sourced in 2019 under MIT license and used in the early days of many projects such as Thorchain and Keep Network.

2. BNB Smart Chain: This EVM-compatible blockchain is based on PoSA. It has the top performance in terms of transaction execution, as well as a native cross chain logic with Tendermint-based blockchain. It gave birth to BNB Application Sidechain. This series has been adopted by application dedicated blockchains, such as Chiliz Chain 2.0, FNCY, and MetaApe. The code base has recently added fresh features, including  Fast Finality, to enhance the cross-chain user experience.

3. BNB Beacon Chain: This blockchain includes a high-performance, on-chain, order-book-based match engine and settlement layer for the DEX, as well as  an implementation of Atomic Swap.

4. zkBNB Phase 1: This GoLang based zero knowledge based rollup solution focuses on the token economy and NFTs. It is open-sourced under the Apache 2.0 license. It uses Consensys’s gnark and is merging back  features like Poseidon hash, MPC setup, and the proving key splitting. It recently added MiMC hash verification via GKR, the first production ready implementation.

What is more important, BNB Greenfield is still in its early stages. It should be an open system as much as possible. Some code is really premature. Features and design mentioned in the whitepaper are still missing. The community - developers, researchers, dApp entrepreneurs, and white hat hackers are much more than welcome to try Greenfield features and code, give feedback, and co-build this ecosystem. For example, the integration with different storage infrastructure and the privacy handling of the data permission (Polyhedra Network proposed some ideas already).

The launch of the Congo testnet of BNB Greenfield is the only start of the journey. Open-sourcing the code hopefully paves another stone. The future of data sovereignty and economy require YOUR participation. See you on the road!

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