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How Migrating to BNB Chain Helped Propel Gameta

2022.11.9  •  4 min read
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While the market continues to fluctuate, we will also continue to do what we do best – supporting developers in giving rise to the Web3 future we all dream of.

In the midst of unsteady market conditions many talented and driven developers will be wondering where they can turn to for adequate support. In this regard our line has always been clear. BNB Chain will continue to open as many doors for innovative projects to utilize.

In particular, we want to highlight the effective and successful migration of Gameta to BNB Chain. In the project we encountered an innovative and ambitious team that was seeking to address issues around growth, community building and user retention.

It is no secret that BNB Chain harbors the most dedicated and active community in Web3. We were well placed to address Gameta’s search for further opportunity. Upon establishing the project’s broader aims and talking with their capable team, we were able to act accordingly for the benefit of our community.

What is Gameta?

Gameta is a hyper casual entertainment network aiming to bring large scale Web2 users to Web3 seamlessly.

The platform’s ambitious aims see them looking to bring 20 million Web2 users into Web3 through hyper casual games in a timeframe of just 18 months. The platform primarily offers mobile-friendly games that are simple but engrossing.

Migration Motivation

Gameta’s ambitious growth efforts required an ecosystem capable of offering robust scalability functionality. The team were forthright about their ambitions and what would be necessary to help them develop effectively.

We caught up with Gameta founder, Neo, to understand more about what led to the pivotal decision for the project:

“Gameta requires an ecosystem that has the capability to bring scalable functions to large numbers of users. From tech to community to ecosystem collaboration, the BNB Chain team provided an all-round support to Gameta’s development team. BNB Chain has a mainstream-friendly product and tech compatibility which ensures the smooth integration of Web3 projects.”

Neo, Founder of Gameta

How Has Migrating to BNB Chain Impacted Gameta?

The migration process is a brave step taken by any prospective project, and the decision is made with a look toward a stronger future. So, how exactly have Gameta benefited from its migration to BNB Chain?

MVB Winner

The project was immediately welcomed as a participant in our Most Valuable Builder incubation program. The strength of the project from the outset and the innovative team behind Gameta ensured that they in fact came out as an MVB winner. The team subsequently received investment from Binance Labs and benefited from tailored mentorship and an introduction to important ecosystem partners.

Growth Incentive Beneficiary

Gameta has also been a prevalent beneficiary of our Growth Incentive program, aimed at supporting projects enjoying growth. They were awarded a three month period wherein 100% of their gas fees were covered by BNB Chain. The team reached out and commented on the impact of the incentive:

“The Growth Incentive Program helped us maintain high-speed DAU growth while improving the conversion rate of web3 users.”

One-to-One Support

Beyond the practical help that Gameta has enjoyed, the team recognized the importance of leveraging the tech support and advisory capabilities at BNB Chain. Our team has been on hand to help with all aspects of technical development. Whether relating to tokenomics design or product development, BNB Chain has been there every step of the way.

With the team having already pointed to their ambition of growing an active and engaged community, we also sought to help in this regard. BNB Chain has set about offering advice on how the team could leverage the broader ecosystem to not only help grow its community, but also retain the loyal users coming in.

Benefits of Migration

The team has already enjoyed incredible success, seeing its daily active users (DAU) rise by an amazing thirty times over just a two week period. The project has gained one million on-chain users in only its first month. As Gameta continues its journey on BNB Chain this will allow us to see even more enticing metrics relating to on-chain users.

Bright Future on BNB Chain

BNB Chain is a great fit for many onlooking projects. While migration is no small task, it can be a seamless process when there is clear cooperation between an ambitious and hungry project and our core tech teams.

We put a huge emphasis on making such protocol transitions as flawless as possible and assisting Web3 Dapps grow on BNB Chain. Successful migrations and progress akin to Gameta’s is only made possible through the collaboration of a willing and dedicated ecosystem that is always on hand to help.

We are continuing to work with a number of existing projects and have detailed plans to support their seamless migration to BNB Chain. The fact remains that BNB Chain is one of the few public blockchains that has the scalability to help projects scale and onboard mainstream users to Web3.

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