BNB Beacon Chain
BNB Chain ekosisteminin staking ve yönetişim katmanı
In this article, we’d like to introduce and propose the new Binance Evolution Protocol, BEP-95. This BEP introduces a real-time burning mechanism into the economic model of BSC, making BNB’s tokenomics more dynamic.
The abstract behind this BEP is to speed up the burning process of BNB and make BSC more decentralized, as part of the gas fee will be burned. The BEP-95 burn is solely dependent on the activity on the BSC network, and it will continue functioning (decreasing BNB supply), even after the scheduled BNB burns by Binance.com reach the target supply of 100m BNB in circulation.
Please note that this BEP is still in the draft stage.
Two points before we start:
The BSC network can speed up the BNB burning process and improve its intrinsic value by burning a portion of gas fees. The BNB holders will decide how to dispatch the BSC gas reward.
While implementing this BEP might decrease the total amount of BNB that validators and delegators receive from staking, the fiat-denominated value of their rewards may increase. This burning mechanism would further reduce BNB supply; thus, increasing demand would drive the BNB value higher.
By design, BNB is a deflationary token. There is no mining algorithm that would enable the mining of new BNB and reward miners (validators), and the supply is regularly decreasing according to Binance’s scheduled BNB burns. BNB is a utility token with many use cases, and delegators and validators will still enjoy other benefits stemming from holding BNB.
The gas fee is collected each block and split into two system smart contracts:
The mechanism will be enabled by introducing Governable parameters: burnRatio in the ValidatorSet Contract. At the end of each block, the Validator will sign a transaction to invoke the deposit function of the contract to transfer the gas fee. The burning logic is implemented within the deposit function that burnRatio * gasFee will be transferred to the burn address;
The initial proposed setting:
burnRatio = 10%
The change of burnRatio will be determined by BSC Validators through a proposal-vote process based on their voting power (staked BNB).
This process will be carried on Binance Chain, and every community member can propose a change of the parameters. In order for the proposal to be reviewed by the validators, it has to receive a minimum deposit of 2,000 BNB (mainnet). This will allow the validators to vote on the proposal; all BNB is returned after the proposal has been voted on. The BSC validators can vote “for” or “against” based on their voting power.
Suppose the total voting power of bounded validators that votes for it reaches the quorum (50% on mainnet). In that case, the proposal will pass, and the corresponding change of the parameters will be passed onto BSC via cross-chain communication and take effect immediately. The vote of unbounded validators will not be considered into the tally.
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