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Binance Smart Chain v1.0.4 Release

2020.11.30  •  1 min read
Blog post image.

bsc v1.0.4  is out and all validator nodes on bsc testnet have upgraded to this new version. If you are running a node on Binance Smart chain mainnet or testnet, it's recommended to upgrade to this version.

Release note

bsc v1.0.4 is a security release. It is built with Go v1.15.5, fixing CVE-2020-28362, which has a critical impact on BSC.

We recommend everyone to upgrade to this release or rebuild with Go 1.15.5. If you are building geth from source, please ensure you are building with Go v1.15.5 or above.

Other changes in this release:

  • #47 upgrade docker image to golang1.15.5
  • #35 check congestion of network automatically and use fixed gas price when the network is idle
  • #38 disable noisy log from consensus engine
  • #49 create pull request template for all contributor to follow



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