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Greenfield dApp Exploration Series: 4EVERLAND

2023.10.10  •  1 min read
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In today's edition of our Greenfield dApp Exploration Series, we introduce you to 4EVERLAND—a Web3 cloud computing platform. We'll explore how 4EVERLAND, in collaboration with BNB Greenfield, is empowering developers in building the next generation of decentralized applications (dApps).

Why build on BNB Greenfield?

The integration of BNB Greenfield presents a more scalable and secure option for the development and hosting of decentralized applications (dApps). BNB Greenfield is a blockchain and storage platform designed to facilitate decentralized technology for data ownership and the data economy.

By leveraging BNB Smart Chain’s high-performance infrastructure, BNB Greenfield provides a powerful platform for developers to create innovative and cutting-edge dApps that can meet the growing demand of users.

What is 4EVERLAND doing differently with Greenfield’s integration?

4EVERLAND represents the future of cloud computing by seamlessly integrating storage, computing, and network core capabilities. This innovative platform is on a mission to facilitate a smooth transition from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0, serving as the backbone for millions of Web 3.0 developers and applications.

Key Features of 4EVERLAND

Global Acceleration: The consensus-driven Swarm network technology enhances network availability, offering developers more efficient and faster Web3.0 accessibility services on a global scale.

Privacy Protection: 4EVERLAND prioritizes user anonymity and data security. No KYC details are required, ensuring user data remains anonymous and secure.

Convenient and Efficient: 4EVERLAND equips developers with a range of tools, making it easy to implement functions like one-click front-end deployment and multi-chain contract deployment. Developers can navigate product design, release, and maintenance seamlessly.


4EVERLAND is a Web 3.0 cloud computing platform that seamlessly integrates storage, computing, and network core capabilities. Its integration of BNB Greenfield allows developers to create and deploy their own decentralized applications with ease.

Want to learn more about BNB Greenfield? Check out our previous blog. Stay tuned for more exciting discoveries in our Greenfield dApp Exploration Series!

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