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Win Amazing Prizes with BNB Chain's #MyBNB3 Campaign

2023.8.29  •  2 min read
Blog post image.

As the BNB Chain community gears up to commemorate its remarkable three-year journey, we invite you to be part of the excitement by sharing your top three favorite ways to interact with BNB Chain. Let your creativity shine as you showcase your unique experiences, and in return, you could stand a chance to win exciting rewards!

Engage and Win: Share Your #MyBNB3 Moments

Are you passionate about the BNB Chain ecosystem? Do you have favorite ways to interact with this dynamic platform? We want to hear from you! Get ready to express your enthusiasm and creativity by sharing your top three favorite ways to engage with BNB Chain. Whether it's trading, staking, using dApps, or exploring innovative features: your experiences matter.

To make your post stand out, include a captivating picture, screenshot, artwork, or anything that captures the essence of your interaction. Let your imagination run wild and showcase your love for BNB Chain.

How to Participate

  1. Share a post on your social media account highlighting your top three favorite ways to interact with BNB Chain.
  2. Include a visually appealing element that enhances your post's visual appeal.
  3. Use the hashtag #MyBNB3 in your post to ensure your entry is counted. Tag three friends who might be interested in joining the celebrations.

Throughout the week, we'll be retweeting and celebrating community members who share their BNB Chain experiences. This is your moment to shine and show the world why BNB Chain is a vital part of your journey in the blockchain ecosystem.

Prizes and Rules

On September 6th, the Top 10 most creative posts will be selected to win a BNB Chain t-shirt.

BNB chain will send a private message to the winners via our official Twitter, asking the winner to provide their information within 1 week. If not provided, it will be considered as automatically giving up the gift.

The Big Day: September 1st

On September 1st, BNB Chain's 3 year anniversary will be celebrated with much enthusiasm. To mark this significant milestone, BNB Chain will release its comprehensive 3-year report, packed with insights into the growth of the Web3 ecosystem.

Ready to join the festivities? Discover more about BNB Chain's three-year anniversary activities and stay tuned for exciting updates. This is your moment to be part of a community-driven celebration that underscores the power of collaboration, innovation, and the spirit of Web3. Get ready to make your mark, share your stories, and be part of the BNB Chain legacy!

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